Sunday, July 27, 2008

I DO have strong-points, afterall!

The CSF staff recently took one of those strengths-inventories... It was long and hard, but insightful. For each of us, it offered up 5 areas of strength. Here's what it had to say about yours truly...

1. I'm confident that things happen for a reason. I gain confidence from knowing that we're not isolated from one another, but actually connected to one another in a "big picture" kind of way (does this make sense?).
2. I can sense the emotions of those around me. I can feel what you're feeling. Consequently, I can see the world through others' eyes and understand their perspective.
I enjoy trying to solve problems and developing ideas and trying to understand someone else's feelings. I need time alone throughout the week for musing, reflecting. This may come off as "jerk-ish-ness" to you. Sorry.
4. Excellence is important to me (this one was kind of a surprise!). Apparently, I'm good at setting a focus for people and building a sense of team spirit, but not so hot at strategic thinking. (are these Gretchen's test results?)
5. I see potential in others. Each person is alive with possibilities; no one is completely formed yet. That's why I'm drawn to people... I'm good at challenging, stretching, and helping you grow. My favorite moment in life is when a student finally "gets it!"

So there you have it... my life in 5 simple points. Some of it I totally agree with; other parts, I'm scratching my head over. Heck, #2 makes me sound like some kind of super hero. But, overall, I'm excited about purposefully implementing some of these into my ministry this year. I can't wait to see what happens...

Your friendly neighborhood connected-empathetic-intelligent-maximizing-developer,

1 comment:

Unknown said...

you always get listen by. you have the best family ever. God LOVES you.what else is there to want? oh and this is my school email address.:)